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Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie & Rehabilitation
26.–28. November 2015
Abstracts der Posterpräsentationen

Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel & Muskuloskelettale Erkrankungen 2015; 22 (4): 105-131

Volltext (PDF)    Abbildungen   

Intracellular Calcium
Abbildung 1: Steinecker-Frohnwieser B, et al. Agonist-induced changes in intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i . MUG-Chor1 cells were loaded with Fura-2 and fluorescence was measured when cells were perfused with different agonists. A representative time course showing agonistinduced changes of the ratio 340/380 is given (A). Summary of the peak calcium levels reached by application of different agonists is shown in (B).

Keywords: calciumChordomchordomadiagramDiagrammKalziumMineralstoffwechsel
Diagnostic Groups
Abbildung 2: Gärtner M, et al. Distribution of the main diagnostic groups among “non-rheumatology” patients tested for RF and ACPA (n = 2251).

Keywords: ACPAACPAdiagramDiagrammMineralstoffwechselRheumafaktorrheumatoid arthritisrheumatoid factorRheumatoide Arthritis
ADA-positive Biologikapatienten
Abbildung 3: Klotz W, et al. ADA-positive Biologikapatienten (%).

Keywords: Anti-Drug-AntikörperAnti-TNF-TherapieBiologikaDiagrammMineralstoffwechsel
Abbildung 4: Herold M, et al. (#32). Diagnoseverzögerung.

Keywords: DiagnoseDiagrammMineralstoffwechselSpondylarthritis
Abbildung 5A-B: Herold M, et al. Therapieansprechen bei der GO-MORE-Studie in Österreich.

Keywords: DiagrammGolimumabMineralstoffwechselRheumatoide ArthritisTNF-Blocker
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