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Figures and Graphics
Monahan K et al.  
Determinants of Changes in B-Type Natriuretic Peptide Levels in Hospitalized Patients

Journal of Clinical and Basic Cardiology 2006; 9 (1-4): 31-36

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Serial BNP
Figure 1: Trends in serial BNP measurements. Panel A displays a box-plot of the initial and follow-up BNP levels on a natural log scale. Open circles represent extreme values. Panel B shows individual patient trends. Negative values on the horizontal axis denote lab values obtained just prior to the patient being admitted.

Keywords: B-natriuretisches PeptidBNP
Weight - Fluid Balance
Figure 2: Relationship between changes in weight and fluid balance. The correlation between the two parameters does not allow fluid balance to be used as a surrogate for changes in weight.

Keywords: diagramDiagrammfluid balanceGewichtweight
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