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Cooper TG et al.  
External Quality Control for Semen Analysis in Germany - Qualitätskontrolle der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Andrologie (QuaDEGA). The First 5 Years

Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie - Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology 2007; 4 (6): 331-335

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Sperm concentration
Abbildung 1: A Youden plot of sperm concentration. For a given distribution, the results of the assessments of each centre for Sample A (abscissa) is plotted against the assessments of the same centre for Sample B (ordinate). The target ranges for the concentration in each sample (provided by reference centres) is shown between the dotted lines on each axis and they overlap to define the target window (solid line). The positions of points outside the target window indicate random errors (R) or systematic errors (S). The graph is thus divided into 9 areas and Ranks are awarded for falling within the target window (Rank 1), for having random errors (Rank 2 in R2), systematic errors (Ranks 3 in S3) and extreme random errors (Rank 4 in R4).

Keywords: DiagrammflowchartReproduktionsmedizinsperm concentrationSpermienkonzentrationYouden plot
Sperm concentration
Abbildung 2: The overall mean Rank (ordinate) from all participants in each distribution (abscissa) for sperm concentration, normal sperm morphology and sperm motility grades a to d.

Keywords: DiagrammflowchartReproduktionsmedizinsperm concentrationSpermienkonzentration
Sperm analysis
Abbildung 3: The percentage of centres achieving Ranks 1 to 4 with sequential distribution (abscissa) time for assessing (A) sperm concentration, (B) normal sperm morphology, (C) motility grade a, (D) motility grade b, (E) motility grade c and (F) motility grade d.

Keywords: DiagrammflowchartReproduktionsmedizinsperm analysisSpermaanalyse
Sperm analysis
Abbildung 4: The percentage of centres showing improvement (an increase in a score of at least one Rank) from those that had participated in the number of distributions given (abscissa) for assessing (upper panel) sperm concentration, normal morphology, grade c motility and (lower panel) motility grades a, b and d.

Keywords: DiagrammflowchartReproduktionsmedizinsperm analysisSpermaanalyse
Sperm analysis
Abbildung 5: The mean Rank (ordinate) from centres that had continuously used the Neubauer or Makler chambers for assessing sperm concentration in every distribution (abscissa).

Keywords: DiagrammflowchartReproduktionsmedizinsperm analysisSpermaanalyse
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