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Bals-Pratsch M, Bühler K, Krüssel J, Wendelken M, Dahncke W, Kupka MS
Extended Analyses of the German IVF Registry (DIR): Andrological Aspects, Medical-Economical Assumptions Related to the Shift from IVF to ICSI and Stimulation with Gonadotropins
Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie - Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology 2010; 7 (1): 40-44

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Zum ersten Bild Abb. 7: IVF - ICSI Abb. 8: IVF - ICSI Abb. 9: ICSI Abb. 10: IVF - ICSI Abb. 11: IVF - ICSI Aktuelles Bild - Abb. 12: ART Abb. 13: IVF - ICSI Abb. 14: IVF - ICSI
Abbildung 12: ART
Mean percentage rates (± 95 %-CI) of rFSH and hMG application for IVF or ICSI treatment in relation to changes in the reimbursement of ART cycles by the public health insurance, 280,394 prospective cycles, D.I.R 1998–2008.
Vorheriges Bild Nächstes Bild   

Abbildung 12: ART
Mean percentage rates (± 95 %-CI) of rFSH and hMG application for IVF or ICSI treatment in relation to changes in the reimbursement of ART cycles by the public health insurance, 280,394 prospective cycles, D.I.R 1998–2008.
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