Krause und Pachernegg
Verlag für Medizin und Wirtschaft
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Flaa A, Rostrup M, Kjeldsen SE
Sympathoadrenal Reactivity to Stress as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Journal für Hypertonie - Austrian Journal of Hypertension 2012; 16 (2): 13-18

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Aktuelles Bild - Abb. 1: Obesity - Insulin Resistance
Abbildung 1: Obesity - Insulin Resistance
Possible relationships between adrenal medullary and sympathetic activity and development of obesity and insulin resistance.
Obesity - Insulin Resistance
Abbildung 1: Obesity - Insulin Resistance
Possible relationships between adrenal medullary and sympathetic activity and development of obesity and insulin resistance.
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