Instructions to Authors as PDF
Published quarterly since September 2011, the EANO Neuro-Oncology Online Magazine is the official open-access online journal of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO).
Dedicated to providing superior and rapid publication of information in all areas of neuro-oncology, this education-oriented journal contains peer-reviewed articles and reviews, case reports, congress reports, letters, society news and announcements from around the world with a special focus on Europe and the EANO member states.
The goal of the EANO Neuro-Oncology Online Magazine is to provide the European neuro-oncology community, in particular of the EANO member states, with high-quality rapid publication of information in all fields of neuro-oncology via open online access.
Areas covered include, but are not limited to, neurology, neurosurgery, medical oncology, radiotherapy, pediatric neurooncology, neuropathology, neuroradiology, neuroimaging, nursing, and patient issues.
Submitted manuscripts should not contain previously published material or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should conform to the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (
Address new and revised manuscripts and correspondence to the editorial office:
Verlag Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
A-3003 Gablitz, Mozartgasse 10
Tel. +43/2231/61258-25
Fax +43/2231/61258-10
Author’s Checklist
1. What and Where to Submit
- Copyright transfer agreement hand-signed by all authors (to be mailed or faxed to the editorial office).
- Authors who submit manuscripts to the journal must provide signatures from all persons acknowledged, stating that they have seen and approved mention of their names in the article;cite all sources of support for research. If authors have potential conflicts of interest that relate to the manuscript, these must be stated; indicate in a statement of submission that all authors have read and approved submission of the manuscript, and that the manuscript has not been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere in whole or in part in any language except as an abstract.
- If an author’s prior work is in preparation, has been previously submitted or published, or is currently in press, and is potentially overlapping or provides information essential to the referee’s understanding of a submitted manuscript, submit one copy of that work with the manuscript.
- Electronic submission of the manuscript at all review stages is mandatory. The submission package must comprise the latest version of the complete manuscript (including tables and figures), author information, acknowledgements, and references.
- Send manuscript and related parts to the editorial office. Manuscripts cannot be submitted by fax.
2. General Instructions
- Type manuscripts double-spaced, including references, figure legends, and tables, on one side of the page only. Original contributions generally should not exceed seven pages when typeset. As a reference for manuscript length, there should be no more than l figure or 1 table for every 750 words. The manuscript should not exceed 30,000 keystrokes including title page, abstract, key words, references, legends, and tables. Authors should eliminate redundancy, emphasise the central message, and provide only the data necessary to convey their message. Manuscripts may exceed seven pages when exigencies of design or complexities of research require it and length is approved by editors.
- Leave 1-inch margins on all sides. Do not use justified margins.
- Cite each figure and table in text in numerical order.
- Cite each reference in the text in numerical order and list it in the reference section. In the text, reference numbers may be repeated but not omitted.
- Use SI units of measure in all manuscripts. For example, molar (M) should be changed to mol/l; mg/dl to mmol/l; and cm to mm. Units of measure previously reported as percentages (e. g., hematocrit) are expressed as a decimal fraction. Measurements currently not converted to SI units in biomedical applications are blood and oxygen pressures, enzyme activity, H+ concentration, temperature, and volume. The SI unit should be used in the text, followed by the conventionally used measurement in parentheses. Conversions should be made by the author before the manuscript is submitted for peer review.
- Assemble manuscript in this order: – title page, – abstract page (including key words), – text, – acknowledgements, – conflict of interest, – references, – figure legends, – tables, – figures.
3. Title Page
The title page must include
- Full title and the first author’s surname with a short title (total keystrokes must not exceed 60) to be typeset at the top of the journal page.
- Authors’ names and affiliations, name and complete address for correspondence (be sure to include street address as well as post office box for corresponding author), and address for reprints if different from address for correspondence.
- Telephone number and e-mail address.
4. Abstract
- Do not cite references in the abstract.
- Limit use of acronyms and abbreviations.
- Be concise (250 words maximum).
5. Text
- Follow the guidelines in the General Instructions section.
- Abbreviations must be defined at first mention in the text, tables, and each figure.
- Acknowledgements. The acknowledgements section recognises all sources of support for research, plus substantial contributions of individuals. When expressing appreciation to another scientist for assistance with research or the manuscript, enclose written permission since such an acknowledgement may imply endorsement of data and conclusions. All persons acknowledged must have read and approved mention of their names in the article.
6. Conflict of interest
Please indicate any existing conflicts of interest, which refer to the present or the past 3 years. Examples: The author states that no conflict of interests exists. OR: The corresponding author discloses the following connections: Prof. Dr. Mustermann works for company XY as an advisor / receives a consultancy fee from company XY.
7. References
- Accuracy of reference data is the author’s responsibility. Verify all entries against original sources, especially journal titles, including page numbers, publication dates, accents, diacritical marks, and spelling in languages other than English.
- The first three authors must be listed followed by “et al”. Manuscripts cannot be sent to reviewers until this requirement is met.
- Cite references in numerical order according to their first mention in text. Ensure accuracy in spelling and details of publication.
- Personal communications, unpublished observations, and submitted manuscripts are not legitimate references. They must be cited in the text as “(unpublished data, 19xx)”.
- Abstracts may be cited only if they are the sole source and must be identified in the reference as “Abstract”.
-“In press” citations must have been accepted for publication and the name of the journal or book publisher included.
8. Illustrations, tables, video sequences
- Please refrain from using illustrations which have already been published in other media. If this is not possible, we will gladly enquire about obtaining reprint permission for you. This may be subject to a fee that will not be covered by the publisher!
- Tables and illustrations: to be submitted on separate pages, consecutively numbered, list the relevant legends on a separate page. All abbreviations and symbols used must be explained in the legends. Illustrations must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi and be saved in individual files as *.jpg, *.tif or *.eps.
- Illustrations with video sequences should be saved as *.avi, the freeze frame for the respective sequence as *.jpg, *.tif or *.eps. Important references should be marked with indicator arrows where appropriate.
9. Permissions
Address requests for permission to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in the EANO Neurooncology Online Magazine to:
Permissions Desk
Verlag Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
A-3003 Gablitz, Mozartgasse 10
Tel. +43/2231/61258-0
Fax +43/2231/61258-10
For additional information, contact the editorial office:
Verlag Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
A-3003 Gablitz, Austria
Tel. +43/2231/61258-25
Fax +43/2232/61258-10