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Das Journal für Fertilität und das Journal für Menopause sind mit Ausgabe 1/2008 zusammengelegt und erscheinen nun in neuer Form unter dem Titel Journal für Gynäkologische Endokrinologie
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Supplementum 2/2000 - Ausgabe für Deutschland
2nd International Merck Symposium on Menopause & Osteoporosis; Benalmadena-Costa, Costa del Sol, Spain; November 5-8, 1999
Session 1: Postmenopausal Life: Risk and Chances
Samsioe G, Agardh C-D, Enström-Granath I, Lidfeldt J, Nerbrand C, Scherstén B
Blood pressure in middle-aged women. Influence by hormonal situation. Results from the Women's Health in Lund Area (WHILA) Project
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pp. 3-5
Birkhäuser M
Preservation of postmenopausal health by changing individual lifestyles
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pp. 6-8
Genazzani AR, Lombardi I, Luisi M, Monteleone P, Puccetti S, Quirici B, Stomati M
Effect of HRT on cognitive function and mood
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pp. 9-11
Calaf-Alsina J
HRT use in Europe
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pp. 12-14
Session 2: Practical Aspects of Longterm HRT 1
Utian WH
Practical paradigm for HRT usage in osteoporosis prevention
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pp. 15-16
Marty J-P
Transdermal 7-day HIRT
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pp. 17-18
Session 3: Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis
Burckhardt P
Treatment of osteoporosis today and tomorrow: an overview
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pp. 19-21
Ringe JD
Perspectives of combined treatment strategies in osteoporosis
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pp. 22-23
Francis RM
Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis: vitamin D supplementation or treatment with active vitamin D metabolites?
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pp. 24-25
Session 4: Role of Calcium and Vitamin D in Osteoporosis
Sahota O, Hosking DJ
Pathogenetic role of calcium and vitamin D insufficiency in osteoporosis
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pp. 26-28
Scharla SH
Epidemiology of vitamin-D-deficiency/insufficiency in different European countries
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pp. 29-33
Session 5: Practical Aspects of Longterm HRT 2
Sturdee DW
Longterm investigation of the endometrial safety of a new seven-day sequential oestradiollevonorgestrel combination patch
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pp. 34-36
van de Weijer PHM, Barentsen R
Oestrogens, progestogens and the occurrence and acceptability of vaginal bleeding
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pp. 37-40
von Holst T
Efficacy and tolerability of a new 7-day combination patch in sequential combined HRT in comparison to placebo
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pp. 41-42
Session 6: HRT in preventing postmenopausal Osteoporosis
Dören M
Effects of HIRT on bone mineral density and fracture incidence - a review
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pp. 43-46
Barentsen R
Maximizing compliance: which regimen for which patient?
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pp. 47-48
Garnero P
Markers of bone turnover for monitoring antiresorptive treatment of osteoporosis
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pp. 49-51
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