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Garlic, Chocolate, or Tomatoes for (Pre-) Hypertension?

Journal für Hypertonie - Austrian Journal of Hypertension 2011; 15 (3): 7-10

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Keywords: BehandlungCholesterinHypertonieKakaoKnoblauchKyolicLycopinMetaanalyseSchokoladeTomatechocolatecholesterolcocoagarlichypertensionlycopenemeta-analysistomatotreatment

Aged garlic extract, dark chocolate, or lycopene-rich tomato products have been linked with blood pressure-lowering properties in hypertensive people. There is consistent evidence for garlic supplements, in particular in the form of Kyolic® aged garlic extract, to be effective in lowering blood pressure comparable to first-line standard antihypertensive medication. Dark chocolate appears to be beneficial for blood pressure reduction as well, albeit to a lesser extent than Kyolic®. Lycopene in tomato extract has a protective effect on serum cholesterol similar to low-dose statins, and may also be beneficial for lowering blood pressure in hypertensive people.
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