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Didyk N et al.  
Cardiovascular event risk factors among patients with arterial hypertension and extrasystole // Risikofaktoren für kardiovaskuläre Ereignisse bei Patienten mit arterieller Hypertonie und Extrasystolen

Zeitschrift für Gefäßmedizin 2022; 19 (4): 11-20

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Abbildung 1: Age distribution in the control and clinical groups. Note: The reliability of the percentage difference between groups is calculated using the χ² criterion; *indicates reliability with the second and third clinical groups, **with the third clinical group (p < 0.05).

Keywords: GefäßmedizinSchema
Abbildung 2: Assessment of well-being and physical activity on a visual analogue scale in the control and clinical groups. Note: The reliability of the difference in average values between groups is calculated according to the Wilcoxon signed-rank test; *indicates reliability with the third clinical group (p < 0.05).

Keywords: GefäßmedizinSchema
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