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Buchholz T et al.  
Polar Body Analysis - Current Clinical Practice and New Developments for Preimplantation Genetic Screening and Diagnosis

Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie - Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology 2009; 6 (1): 32-34

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Polar body shapes
Abbildung 1a-c: Different polar body shapes following fixation on slide and Propidium Iodine staining. A, B: compact polar body; C: segmented polar body.

Keywords: polar body analysis
Polar body conditions
Abbildung 2a-c: Different polar body conditions following fixation on slide and Propidium Iodine staining. A: fragmented polar body; B, C: disintegrated polar body.

Keywords: polar body analysis
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