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Borgo MJ, Sinaki M
Back Progressive Resistive Exercise Program to Reduce Risk of Vertebral Fractures
Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel & Muskuloskelettale Erkrankungen 2010; 17 (2): 66-71

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Aktuelles Bild - Abb. 1: Resistive exercise Abb. 2: Back extensors
Abbildung 1: Resistive exercise
Model demonstrating resistive exercise, with weighted backpack in place. The exercise involves lifting a prescribed weight (10 repetitions with prescribed weight), with each contraction lasting 5 seconds and followed by 5 seconds of rest.
Resistive exercise
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Abbildung 1: Resistive exercise
Model demonstrating resistive exercise, with weighted backpack in place. The exercise involves lifting a prescribed weight (10 repetitions with prescribed weight), with each contraction lasting 5 seconds and followed by 5 seconds of rest.
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