Krause und Pachernegg
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Lunenfeld B
Management of Infertility: Past, Present and Future (from a personal perspective)
Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie - Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology 2013; 10 (Sonderheft 1): 13-22

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Abb. 1: Hormonal pattern Abb. 2: Hormonal following treatment Abb. 3: Hormonal follwing treatment Aktuelles Bild - Abb. 4: Classification of infertile patients
Abbildung 4: Classification of infertile patients
Classification of infertile patients.
Classification of infertile patients
Vorheriges Bild Nächstes Bild  

Abbildung 4: Classification of infertile patients
Classification of infertile patients.
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