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Nakai K, Yamamoto T, Kumada H, Matsumura A
Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Glioblastoma: A Phase-I/II Clinical Trial at JRR-4
European Association of NeuroOncology Magazine 2014; 4 (3): 116-123

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Fig. 1: BNCT Fig. 2a-b: GBM patient This Image - Fig. 3: BNCT Fig. 4: BNCT
Figure/Graphic 3: BNCT
Kaplan-Meyer survival curve of BNCT-treated patients (n = 16) with newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Median overall survival of grade-IV patients was 22.3 months.
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Figure/Graphic 3: BNCT
Kaplan-Meyer survival curve of BNCT-treated patients (n = 16) with newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Median overall survival of grade-IV patients was 22.3 months.
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