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Roth C et al.  
Two Different Mechanisms of Very Late Stent Thrombosis: Assessment and Guidance of Therapy with Optical Coherence Tomography

Journal für Kardiologie - Austrian Journal of Cardiology 2014; 21 (11-12): 314-317

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Abbildung 1a-b: Angiographic images of the LAD. (a): Arrow marks a non-significant stenosis of the Cypher stent which is suspicious for adherent thombi; (b): Arrow marks a spotted haziness; the very distal occlusion of the LAD.

Keywords: angiographic imageAngiographieLAD
Abbildung 2a-d: Representative OCT images. (a, b): Malapposed stent struts with thrombi; (c): uncovered stents struts; (d): covered stent struts; (e): graphical representation of stent coverage, areas with one or more uncovered struts are represented by red lines.

Keywords: OCT-BildStentstent strut
Abbildung 3a-b: Angiographic images of the LAD. (a, b): The arrow points to the significant restenosis in the distal part of the paclitaxel eluting stent.

Keywords: angiographic imageAngiographieLAD
Abbildung 4a-d: Representative OCT images of the ruptured neoatherosclerotic plaque. (a, b): Several, small adherent thrombi; (c, d): Intramural hematoma and/or a lipid necrotic core and protruding intima-flap.

Keywords: OCT-BildPlaque
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