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Fitzgerald JS et al.  
Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (STAT3) and Trophoblast Invasion

Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie - Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology 2007; 4 (6): 322-330

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Implantation window
Abbildung 1: Plate 1 depicts gradual apposition of blastocyst to endometrium during the onset of the implantation window, delineated here by putative biomarkers for endometrial receptivity: integrins (red), pinopodes (violet) and LIF (orange). Trophectodermal integrins (green) on the apical membrane surface of the blastocyst are necessary for adhesion (Plate 2). Adhesion induces reaction in trophoblast cells to differentiate into inner cytotrophoblast (dark pink) and outer syncytiotrophoblast (light pink) layers. Syncytiotrophoblasts are large, polymorph, possess several nuclei and initially invade the decidua (Plate 3). Trophoblasts now produce pregnancy-conserving β-hCG (not depicted in this scheme), which stimulates the corpus luteum to produce progesterone. In plate 4, implantation is complete. The implantation window is now closed.

Keywords: ImplantationImplantationReproduktionsmedizinSchemascheme
Jak-STAT signal transducing pathway
Abbildung 2: Jak-STAT signal transducing pathway – 1: cytokine binding to receptor; 2: receptor aggregation; 3: Jaks phosphorylate and activate each other and inner receptor ligand; 4: STATs bind to inner receptor ligand; 5: STATs are activated by Jaks; 6: activated STATs dissociate to form homoand heterodimers; 7: STATs translocate into nucleus; 8: STATs accelerate transcription of target proteins.

Keywords: Jak-STATReproduktionsmedizinSchemascheme
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