Wimmer E et al. |
Psychotherapie in der Behandlung und Prävention des Tako-Tsubo-Syndroms: Empfehlungen für die klinische Praxis aus einer qualitativen Pilot-Studie // Psychotherapy in treatment of the Tako-Tsubo syndrome Journal für Kardiologie - Austrian Journal of Cardiology 2020; 27 (3-4): 84-89 Volltext (PDF) Summary Fragen zum Artikel Keywords: broken heart syndrome, Psychokardiologie, Psychotherapie, stress-induzierte Kardiomyopathie, Tako-Tsubo-Syndrom, psychocardiology, psychotherapy, stress-induced cardiomyopathy The Tako-Tsubo syndrome (TTS), also called “stress-induced cardiomyopathy”, “apical ballooning syndrome” or „broken heart syndrome“, is closely related to the individual‘s stress experience and the biographical stress experiences of those affected. In this article, suggestions for cardiologists, internists and general practitioners are given, regarding for which patients, in which phase of the disease, and for what reasons, psychotherapy might be included in clinical practice. The recommendations are based on empirical results from interviews carried out as part of a qualitative study. The analyses of the interviews show that in the context of TTS it would make sense to include psychotherapeutic counselling and psychotherapy within a holistic understanding of the disease. Starting points for the integration of psychotherapeutic interventions can be found in the acute phase, in the post-acute secondary preventative phase, and in the prevention of relapse of the disease, respectively.
Kurzfassung: Das Tako-Tsubo-Syndrom (TTS), auch stress-induzierte Kardiomyopathie, „apical
ballooning syndrome“ oder „broken heart syndrome“
genannt, steht in enger Beziehung zum individuellen Stresserleben und den biografischen Belastungserfahrungen der Betroffenen. |